Sunday, 12 October 2008

Getting the most out of your scooter

Taken today in 中壢 city, which depending which sign you happen to be reading is romanised as Jongli, Jhongli, Zhongli or Chungli.......

romanisation of the Chinese language has always been a bit of a problem - sometimes if you are lucky you can see the same street name spelt differently on the same intersection!


Francie said...

That's cool Mr Q!

By the way, your previous post was very interesting.

sansIcarus said...

I'm surprised they haven't set down a standard romanisation. Or have they, and these signs are remnants or previous 'standards'?

Hello Xu Xu said...

Hi Sansicarus, I've posted anew regarding romanisation.

Anonymous said...

and now i know why we have a srtick warrant of fitness system!